Today on Music Monday, I bring you my weekend muse-Bon Iver. I was on an acoustic rut all Sunday morning and felt so compelled to share one of my favorite Bon Iver songs. Justin Vernon of Bon Iver has been melting my heart ever since Iver's debut album, For Emma, Forever Ago. I think as a whole, that album is beautifully written and composed-not to mention the romantic thought of that album being recorded in a northwestern Wisconsin cabin during the Winter season. I have a few favorite songs on For Emma, Forever Ago, but the song that I usually tend to replay is, For Emma. The mellow mood of the song makes me see vintage skies and wish for an eternal summer by the beach. Take a listen and tell me you don't wish for the same! Hope you all enjoy the song and don't forget to listen to the entire album-have a happy Monday!
xo..Brocade Closet