Hey guys! Let's talk about one of my favorite subjects - bloating. I'm obsessed with this subject because it's been one of my longest struggles to figure out. Long story short, I went on a wellness journey to try to figure out what caused my bloating discomfort. For the record, bloating is completely normal. Pain from bloating, maybeeee not haha. The first time I spoke to a doctor about it, he said, "Well you're a skinny girl. Your stomach is going to naturally grow as you eat" which now looking back, was the most rude thing to say to a patient who had zero health education. It could've been a serious matter and he didn't even bother to listen. I felt so completely shut down, so I never asked about it again. I did get a new doctor though and my new one is my forced best friend. Anyway, when bloating started interfering with my daily life (what I wore, self consciousness over what I ate, feeling excessively full after very little food) I knew I had to do something. So I started my research and asking questions! Through it all, I found a lot of what I was feeling perhaps had to do with intestinal issues that I 100% was not paying attention to. Gut health, listening to my body and keeping track of what didn't agree went right over my head and that was the problem.