It's no shocking news (especially if you follow me on Insta) that I LOVE playing with flowers. Flowers bring me so much joy and there's nothing I love more than creating something fresh for our home or an event. For our baby shower, I of course took charge of flowers and loved how they came out, so in this post, I'm teaching you how to recreate the look. To preface this post, I've taken a few floral design courses, so while I do have some experience learning techniques, I still think this design is very achievable for beginners. Let's go over what you need to get started!
Baby Shower Floral Arrangements
10 February 2022
03 February 2022
Hello, February + BIRTH MONTH! To say this pregnancy flew by is an understatement. It only feels like it was slow when I pause to think about everything Martin and I have learned and been through together over the last nine months. For me personally, it's been a time of trial, error and fortunately success! With pregnancies being so different from woman to woman, it was hard for me to share 'must-have pregnancy products' every trimester! First of all, it takes some time to figure out if something works anyway, and after going through this pregnancy, I've definitely found major success in some items I feel confident saying have been my absolute go-to products. Listen up momma's in the making!