
Beauty Products under $10, yes please!

27 June 2013

Seriously, if you're ever in need of quick beauty products, don't even bother going to the mall.  I'm the worst when it comes to this because I love designer make up, I'm one of those really dumb shoppers that believes the quality in expensive make up is so much better than something from a drugstore.  I've got way smarter though recently and started experimenting with a few products and so far, the following are my absolute favorite and the best part is they're all under 10 bucks :)


Brocade Closet

I'm guilty of loving lipstick, I wear it pretty much everyday, red being my signature.  Revlon's Super Lustrous Lipstick ranges from $4-$8 and has been the most amazing back up lipstick ever. 

Before I started using a MAC eyeliner, I used this one.  Covergirl's Perfect Point Plus eyeliner works wonders. It hardly smears and its super narrow for a perfect line, grab it at a drugstore for about $5.   

Okay so of the thousands of nail polish brands out there, I prefer Essie or OPI.  Essie nail polish runs for about $8 and comes in so many super pretty fun colors.  I think you can find this at in Impulse section at Macy's, if not Target has a nice collection! 

Okay, get out of the mall for mascara-seriously. I used super expensive mascara for years and finally gave this one a try. It's just the BEST mascara and runs for only about $5.  It comes in waterproof/regular, different brushes and colors, give it a try, you won't regret saving so much money

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