
DIY: Breakfast At Tiffany's Sleep Mask

16 November 2015

If I could ever be a fictional character for one day, I would be Holly Golightly from Breakfast At Tiffany's.  I obviously can't be her, but I can most definitely try to emulate her style by recreating some of my favorite Holly Golightly outfits.  One of my favorite accessories she wears in the film is her sleep mask-tell me you guys have seen how adorable it is! I've contemplated making a replica for some time now and now that I've finally gotten to it, I feel like Holly herself waking up ;) It's super easy to make, let's go over all the details below!

You will need:

1. Sleep mask pattern (I sketched mine, but there are tons available online for free)
2. Gold bias tape
3. Gold ribbon
4. 1/2 yd gold sequence trim
5. Two 2" cuts of any trim resembling eyelashes and another two 2" inch cuts of thin chord (mine was a thin elastic chord)
5. Fleece and silky fabric (I only used about 10 inches of fabric)
6. Scissors, pins and a glue gun

Step 1: Place the pattern over both fabrics, pin it down and cut around the pattern.  I pinned the pattern down so it wouldn't move, but you can also just trace the pattern and cut it out.  For the fleece, make sure your fabric is folded so that you essentially cut two layers of fleece for extra cushion.

Step 2: Over your silky fabric, begin to place your thin chord (eyebrows) and the trim (eyelashes) and then glue them down.  Depending on how you want to do this, you can either add hot glue directly onto the fabric and then apply the trims, or you can dab hot glue onto the trim themselves and then set them down.  Totally up to you!

Step 3 (optional): After your eyelashes and eyebrows have been glued, pin all three layers together and run a basic stitch along the edge of the sleep mask.  You don't have to do this, I just do it for better control when I pin down the bias tape.

Step 4: Apply the bias tape around the edge of your sleep mask (make sure the tape covers all three layers of fabric) and then run a simple basic stitch.

Step 5: With your gold ribbon, cut two 20 inch pieces and apply them onto the sides of the mask.  You can run a zig-zag stitch or multiple basic stitches, the point is to make sure the ribbon is in place and won't detach from the mask.

Step 5: Finally, over the bias tape, glue down the gold sequence all along the edge and then you're done!

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