Hey guys! I'm going on a mini trip with my family soon and I'd be lying if I said my Pinterest boards aren't fired up with brand new pins. We're heading up the coast of California to a few spots we've never been to (minus one location) and I'm super excited. Throughout my pinning, I've found a few items I'm really REALLY coveting and am going to try my best to pick them up ASAP for my getaway! Something I really hate about wanting in-the-heat items is spending on things I know I'm only going to wear once a year (unseasonal items). In this Currently Coveting post, I chose a few items that I'd like to not only take with me on this trip, but items I know I'll be able to mix and match with others later on this year. Do my coveted items match yours!? Chat with you all soon!
Xo..Brocade Closet
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