
NYE Note

31 December 2015

Happy almost 2016! Can you all believe how fast this year went by? It's seriously so mind blowing that we've reached the final day of 2015 and the opportunity to start over is nearly here.  This was a hell of a year for me.  I did so much, discovered things about myself, went through tough phases but more than anything I loved and I learned.  I kept myself busy this year by searching very hard for a new job and often times strayed away from this blog, only to return when I most needed inspiration.  I discovered this year that THIS is my happy place and this little blog that I created almost three years ago now is the place where I want to continue investing my time.  My resolution for next year is to do more on here and to continue growing Brocade Closet.  All that it has become already is something I seriously never banked on.  I want to create more engagement not only through my social media but on here as well! I want to be more active and share more about my life, abilities and interests on here.  The inspiration is there and I can't wait to continue sharing with you all!  The possibilities are endless and it'll be so fun to have you guys be part of my next journey.  Thank you so much for following me around and for allowing me to pursue dreams I never thought were possible!  Cheers to the New Year, happy 2016 everyone!

Yours Truly,

Melissa Victoria
Brocade Closet

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