Okay, I took a much needed hiatus but obvi worth it because have you seen my kids!? I'm full on momma of two and when I tell you this new life is incredibly challenging yet fulfilling, it's 100% all of that and more. I once heard that when you become a mom, you immediately become green which is actually really funny because I definitely fit the bill long before I became a mom. Getting my kids the best to keep them healthy is my forever job and that starts with nutrition. We've been there and back with food making sure to fork up a big bill on their food and still, there's always a little voice inside me that constantly reminds me nothing is actually fresh unless it's homemade. Anyway, long story short, we're cool to balance freshly made and as good as it gets snacks because there's also this thing called time that we don't have enough of - oy.
Our current snack routine involves homemade pouches that are a staple to Daniel's day and we're having SO MUCH FUN blending these up. I don't know why it took me so long to even think about making our own, but here we are. Recipe after recipe, we've yet to find one Daniel isn't into and the one I'm sharing here might be his favorite one yet!
The flavor is Orange Creamsicle. That's all you need to know. Here's what you need and how to make this incredibly delicious blend.
What You Need:
4 mandarines or 2 oranges
2 bananas
3/4 cup of vanilla yogurt - we used Siggis vanilla flavor for this
sprinkle of cinnamon for extra sweetness
1/2 cup of milk
Reusable pouches - I bought these on Amazon
**this recipe made exactly five 7 ounce pouches
How To:
1. Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth
2. Taste for flavor and add cinnamon if you'd like your blend sweeter
3. Fill your pouches in until you've reached the max line
4. Serve fresh or store all in a freezer for up to 7 days
Can you believe how easy this is? It's literally like making a smoothie and pouring it into pouches. Something to note is if you're naturally thawing these pouches, it could obviously take an hour or two but if you're in a pinch, dipping them in water for about ten minutes will do the trick. We typically pull one out in the morning and put it in the cooler compartment of his backpack to naturally thaw and is always ready right on time for his afternoon snack time. Also maybe I'm biased but I tried this blend and I may or may not have also helped myself to a pouch - sorry Daniel, chef's rules.
Anyway, happy blending! Chat soon.
Melissa Victoria
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