This blog has half served as my personal diary and half information I love to share and write about. In wanting to document life as it happens, and for the next few posts to make so much more sense, I need to share that I'm pregnant! 20 weeks, five months, having a baby boy pregnant. When I wrote about recommitting to sharing weekly posts back in June, I had no idea what kind of weather I'd storm. That weather was called The First Trimester lol.
To be completely fair, maybe I didn't have it too bad but I was definitely bothered for a solid 7 weeks. I had three heaving moments and felt hungover all day long. I randomly gagged for just about anything (still do but not as bad) and for the first time in my life, I absolutely hated the heat. I could not be bothered with the sun or feeling hot because it made me feel a thousand times worst. I hardly had an appetite, my belly was bloated, any movement bothered me, forget about working out and absolutely forget about too much screen time - yuck! Hence, why I went dark after the last week of June. My sickness started the week of the 4th of July and it probably ended at week 13 with lingering symptoms through week 16. Actually, up to just about week 18 was I able to finally drink water without feeling like it was gonna come back up lol. So, first trimester was definitely a ball and now that I've woken up from that phase, I'll definitely be documenting pregnancy more - starting with my yearly Halloween series starting this weekend!
Before I get there though, I do have to say this is has been the most insane and joyous time of my life. I appreciate the opportunity to create life and I want to remember this as much as possible. The first 20 weeks flew by way too fast, so I definitely don't want the next 20 to fly by without documenting as much as I can. There's something about finding out you have a little human growing in you that changes your perspective on just about everything in the purest way. I'll have to gather my feelings when I can because right now, I can just ramble on lol. In the meantime, cheers to the next 20 weeks and the start to my new Halloween series yay!
Melissa Victoria
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