
Beating The Monday Blues with Romwe

01 October 2017

Shop My Look

Tunic: Romwe (shop here) // Shoes: Marc Fisher (shop on sale here)

Every Sunday evening, I like to spend my time browsing Pinterest for fun new ideas or just cultivating future home decor and such.  As much as I love to be prepared for the new week, I just feel like that 'homework' should be left to the following day to worry about.  You know that quote, "A Sunday well spent brings a week of content"?  I totally believe in this and rarely do I feel like Monday is a horrible day.  Trust me, with a full time job and blog, I always feel like I'm working even over the weekends.  However, my time over the weekend is taken very seriously and 100% believe this is the key to entering the new week well rested and motivated.  Tackling five days of 8+ hour shifts is no joke, you guys!  In this post, I wanted to share with you all a few ingredients to starting the week on a positive start and kicking those Monday blue's all the way to the other side of the planet.  Let's get started!

1. Take a Wellness Bath

I can't live without a bathtub and don't ever want to learn how.  I need to take a wellness bath at least once over the weekend, usually on Sunday's, to just meditate and relax.  As soon as the bathtub starts to fill up, I spray eucalyptus oil into the rising steam and breathe in as much of it as I can.  Bath bombs are also awesome to use and I totally just jumped on the train!

2. Read a Book or Magazine

Detaching oneself from technology and picking up a more traditional method of gaining information is so soothing to me.  I work in social media so I'm always on a computer.  Learning how to keep training your brain to read and expand your vocabulary is super beneficial!  Try reading at night instead of using your phone until you fall asleep. 

3. Online Shop

Contradictory to my last tip, lol, I do enjoy an hour of online shopping.  It's so fun to browse for new online boutiques and see if any items are a winner.  The dress in this post is from online shop Romwe and if you like my dress, you can shop it here!  This was an online shop win for me and super cute for every season, especially the ones spent around a beach city.

4. Cook

Making sure you have food prepped and ready make getting to work in the morning so much faster - and cheaper.  I luckily have a huge cafeteria at my job, but I still love to bring my own food.  Take the initiative to cook before Monday and  I promise you will even save yourself a couple dollars at the end of the week. 

Well, these are my core rules to starting a successful week!  Don't forget you can shop this dress via the available links in this post.  Let me know if you have any trouble locating this dress and also let a girl know how you prepare for a blue-less Monday in the comments below.  Tootles!

Xo Melissa Victoria

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