
Vegan Mole Enchiladas Recipe

21 May 2018

Hey hey!  A goal I have for myself is to eat meatless at least two times a week.  In a perfect world of mine, I'd be on a plant based diet, but I really do love some dairy products so it's all about baby steps for me.  In the kitchen, I love to experiment with recipes I find on Pinterest or shared by other bloggers.  This weekend, I saw a yummy enchilada recipe and decided to give it a try.  The dish came out DELICIOUS so I wanted to share it with you guys!  Enchilada's are my jam and finding a version of it that doesn't contain cheese, and that I'm okay with, was hard.  If you're just like me and not willing to give up the cheese on your enchilada's, this post is for you!  It was weird to not miss it or even care that it wasn't part of the recipe.  Ready to try them for yourselves?  Let's go over the details.

You'll Need:

1. Corn tortilla's 
2. One can of black beans
3. Sky Valley Vegan Mole Sauce - Purchased this from Whole Foods.
4. Sweet Potato - This can be shredded, cubed or however.  I bought a shredded bag from Whole Foods that substitutes as a pasta.
5. One onion - You only need about 1/4 cup of this to use as a topping.
6. Crema substitute - I used Forager Cashew Yogurt and it is truly delicious!  You can't even taste the difference.
7.  Avocado slices 


1. Heat up both your sweet potato and black beans separately.  The sweet potato bag was microwave friendly, so I just popped it in for a few minutes.  As far as the beans, I just dumped the can in a pot and stirred for about 5 minutes until they were heated up.

2.  Dump the beans and sweet potato in one large bowl and mix together.

3. Heat up your tortillas.  For this recipe, I only used six tortilla's, but did have enough ingredients to make at least three more.  You can either heat the tortilla's up one by one over the oven or place  all six tortilla's within a kitchen napkin and pop them into the microwave for 15 seconds.

4.  Once these are heated up, simply grab a spoon and place two spoonfuls of the mixture in the center of the tortilla.  Bring both ends of the tortilla towards the center to wrap the mixture inside and place the enchilada faced down onto your baking dish.

5. Once you're done filling up the baking dish with enchilada's, completely cover them with your mole sauce.

6. Cover the dish with foil paper and place them in the oven at 350 degrees for about 5-8 minutes to heat up together.  Once you take them out, you'll notice the mole sauce might be dry.  That's okay, that just means the mole flavor is embedded all over the tortilla.  At this point, you can add more mole sauce over for a juicier flavor.

7. Top the enchiladas with onion, drizzled Forager Cashew Yogurt and avocado slices.

8. Eat!

Literally it took about 15 minutes to make this because it's so simple.  I swear to you guys my mouth was drooling when I tried them!  It only made me feel like I crossed a hurdle in finding a substitute for my favorite dish.  Now to find a cheese worthy of replacing regular cheese!  Wish me luck, but in the meantime, please do yourselves a favor and enjoy this meatless Monday recipe.  Chat with you guys soon!

Melissa Victoria

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