
Hello, old friend.

06 October 2019

Is this thing still on? Hi! My goodness it’s been months and a lot has happened. As you guys know, I have a career that I’m so devoted to and the last time we chatted on here was the day things changed. Long story short, my team moved on in their careers and I was left straddling multiple roles. Busy is an understatement but boy did I learn A LOT in those short few months. 

There was a lot of moving, a lot of organizing and a ton of figuring things out lol. What’s so funny about this was days into my new job life, I opened up a fortune cookie that read “You will soon discover how capable you are.” and I ALMOST threw it away but thought it was actually super sweet so I taped it to my monitor. This kept me moving and every single time I’d look at this message I’d mentally respond “You kind of, sort of have this” lol. But hey! I made it through and the team I’m part of is filling back up and I’m thrilled to keep on trucking. There’s this sense of responsibility when working for a brand though. You can’t let it down and you have to keep your work moving. It was important that I gave all my energy to this and sadly, it meant backing out of several things including my blog. Thankfully my sweet husband that he is was super supportive and completely helped ease my nerves. He stepped up in the kitchen, took me on walks to ease stress, helped me work out and showed me how to seize the day. Logging in and writing something here had been on my mind forever and that’s just exactly where it remained lol. My mom came over this weekend though and we chatted about not blogging for a long time and I realized how sad I actually was about that. Was I for the first time in three years not going to any DIY Halloween costumes or chat about my new life (marriage and getting used to being someone’s wife.) and all the fun things I eat, where I go, what I wear, new products I’m into and how I’m decorating our house? Not like anyone other than my mom actually reads this thing, but in general, so much has happened and my mom is right. I can continue life as is, just make some adjustments ya know? So here I am, super excited to chat more on here again and continue archiving life. Halloween is coming up and I do have costumes I’m DIYing this year so stay tuned to my next post – eek! Anyway, glad we did this. Chat soon!

Melissa Victoria

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